hurm nape kite selalu jadi malas utk ke kelas...?
and kenapa kite bersemangat nak pegi kelas...?

sebab... sebab...

kite jadi malas.. kerana kelas itu boring... lecturer pon bosan sahaja... terlampau serius... kadang2 kite boleh senggok2 duk dalam kelas dengar lecture yg bosan.. hihihih tapi sebab terpaksa.. then pegi jugak la...

terutama utk subject yang membaca... huish buku teks taknak tebal gile la pulak..
sometimes i think we should have something that will make us energetic while we're inside the lecture. Suppose to be, the lecturer have to find a methods to make us love to go to class... its ok if it just by often asking a question about the sillibus. then for sure we will be alert no matter what and of course the will to play truant is not ever popped out from our mind.. hahahahha

for example i have this lecturer that i love most. she always ask us to read the slides... hahahha seem stupid right? but at least we're involving oourselves in that particular time by reading that slides. hahahahahhahahahahaha

right after we read the slide, sometimes she will ask us what we undastand by that slide that we read. then we have to give our opinion. its ok if its wrong... paling teruk pon kene gelak je la.. hahahhaha

and one thing that i like most in her class is.. each time in her class... EVERY ONE of us will have to answer a question. And she remember each of our name... thats what i like most!!! hahahhaha
for a lecturer to know and memorize all of her students name is sooooo good for us as a student. hahahhaha at least we appreciates that she know us and kind of care about the person right?

apekah yg aku mengarut ini??? hahahhahahaha

rasanye kalo nak suh student rajin gi kelas, lecturer kene selalu interact ngan dorang.. so dorang akan rasa lebih dihargai.... hahahahhaha

kalo tak mseti malas gile nak gi kelas.. duk dalam kelas pon borak2 je.. bosan... nak kesian kat lecturer tu pon tak leh sebab da mang bosan kan?? tak leh nak wat ape la... hahahha

dah la tu.. mari kite gi makan.. hahah

p/s: still wondering.. cuti ke tak ni?? huhuhuh

1 Comment:

  1. Nadia said...
    ko gado2 la ngan cikgu. mesti happening maa~

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